Phew, here's a new biggy. I just love painting the ocean. It was hard not to fill the painting with gulls.I spent most of the summer painting this. The focal point of this piece was always the breaking wave. larger gulls kept getting in the way and taking your attention away from the wave.In the end I decided to have a few gullsin the seascape.
This was my mom's beach in July. We had a week of tremendous gales, The sun would break through and drag dark shadows across the seascape. very dramatic.Really blew the cobwebs away.
Great minds Matt, I am preparing a surf surge and gulls as we speak, based around here at Hythe beach, though not that size thank the heavens. It looks good, great light, best wishes Paul
Thanks for the nods up. Good luck with your gulls and wave. The ocean is so much fun to paint.
Matthew, this is awesome. I can see why it took you so long to complete, not only the size but the detail in the water is so realistic. I think the gulls are a nice touch, without distracting from the main focus of the wave but still an integral part of the painting as a whole.
Stunning Matt.
Thanks Bil,
I was hoping to run into you at the WFFest. It would be great to get together soon. How's the sculpting?
Matt, I sent you an e-mail a few days ago, did it not come through?
Hi Matt,
Glad that I was able to see the actual painting at Troika Gallery - truly magnificant!
Hello Tessa,
Wow great to hear from you after so long!!
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