Monday, April 12, 2010

"Spoilt for Choice" oil 22 x 36 SOLD

This is a Grey Heron (the one we get in England) they can be found throughout Europe and asia. This one in is the middle of the Indian ocean in the Maldives.


Unknown said...

Matthew old friend you are like a number nine bus, wait three hours then all of a sudden six turn up at once.Hey in your case well worth the wait, love all especially the Heron, glad I am following your two blogs. Happy days people....P

john said...

What a clever idea for a painting. It is delightful. In Feb. I enjoyed watching a Grey Heron in South Africa. It was fishing below a spillway in Kruger N.P. There was a 2m Nile Crocadile next to it, trying to grab fish as well.

Kelly Singleton said...

Wow! This is fantastic.

From The Studio Floor said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you!! Great to get all the positive feedback.